ATG Training
There are a number of set standards that any bike maker must adhere to. To see the British and European Standards for Bicycles please continue reading the ATG British and European Standards for Bicycles below.
ATG British and European Standards for Bicycles:
There are several standards that need to be applied when selling new bicycles in either partially or fully assembled form. These standards must be used in conjunction with each other and apply to all sellers of bicycles.
The standards that manufacturers and distributors work towards are; British Standard BS6102 Part 1 1992, and European standards BS EN 14764:2005 City and Trekking Bicycles, BS EN 17466:2005 Mountain Bicycles, and BS EN 14781:2005 Racing Bicycles.

BS 6102 Part 1 1992 is as follows (supplied by ACT & BSI):
1. Protrusions: there should be no sharp edges which could contact any part of the rider during normal handling and maintenance, or would create a hazard during use or in an accident.
Check: lamp bracket, prop stands and pedals, saddle and lamps, pump pegs and pump in position, hinge assembly on folding bikes, gear change lever assembly
Exempt: reflectors and rim brake mechanism, front gear change mechanism at the chainwheel, rear gear change mechanism below chainstay, toeclips and toe straps, lamp bracket on head tube.
2. Saddle & Stem: Must have minimum insertion depth marked, must be no movement between saddle/ stem or stem/ frame, no accessory/ support more than 125mm above saddle top, minimum insertion must be remarked if stem cut down to fit a full suspension frame.
3. Cables: on top tube, must be less than 6.5mm diameter and cable clamps no thicker than 5mm. If cable clamps have threaded components these must be situated on underside of tube. Cable end caps must resist removal force of 20N.
4. Chain: must have minimum breaking load of 8010N. Must run freely on sprockets without binding. Must be at correct tension.
5. Chainguard: should shield the outside face of the upper junction of chain/ chainwheel. Must shield the chain for at least 25mm from chainwheel.
6. Chainwheel Disc: if fitted instead of chainguard, should overlap the outer surface of the chain when in position on chainwheel.
7. Reflectors: all must comply with and be marked BS6102: Part 2
Side: one on each wheel, must be same colour, clear WHITE or YELLOW
Pedal: on front and rear surfaces, recessed from edge, YELLOW – these regs also apply to clipless type pedals
Front: not required if complying light is fitted, other wise WHITE
Rear: required in addition to any light, RED
8. Marking: must have UK manufacturer, UK distributor, or UK dealer name. Must have durable label marked BS6102:Part 1
9. Pedals: should clear the ground if the unladen cycle is leant over to 25 degrees. Toe clearance must be at least 89mm between pedal and front tyre/ mudguard. Tread surface should be on both faces unless specialised pedal or has internal toe clip. Reflectors should be fitted.
10. Handlebars: Overall width must be between 350mm & 700mm. Grips or end plugs must resist removal force of 70N. Distance between top of handlebars at maximum and top of saddle at minimum should not be more than 400mm.
11. Handlebar Stem: must be permanent marked for minimum insertion depth into fork. Must be no movement of handlebar stem/ fork stem after locking.
12. Steering: the steering shall be free to move 60 degrees either side of the straight ahead position.
13. Front Fork: front wheel should be centred within front fork. Must be no sideways movement of fork/ stem/ wheel axle.
14. Brakes: must meet wet/ dry braking requirements. Should apply evenly and smoothly.
15. Blocks: must not touch anything other than the rim and must be even when applied. Must be compatible with rim. They must be securely attached to the backing plate. Lock washers, lock nuts or stiff nuts are required for attaching cable brakes to the frame.
16. Brake Levers: front brake on right hand side, and rear brake on left hand side. 90mm maximum gap between lever and handlebar to lever midpoint, no restriction on final 20mm.
17. Wheels: must be true and freerunning. Maximum tolerances for use with rim brake, 2mm radial deflection and 2mm lateral deflection. Maximum tolerances for use with disc brake, 4mm radial deflection and 4mm lateral deflection. Quick release levers must have a positive locked position. Reflectors should be fitted.
18. Tyres: maximum inflation pressure should be moulded into sidewall (non moulded tyres exempt). Must be compatible with rim. At least 2mm clearance from frame/ fork.
19. Instructions: must have an instruction booklet containing information on adjustments, lubrication, gear adjustment, use of accessories, recommendations on safe riding, tensions and maintenance requirements.
20. New assembled bicycles must be fitted with a bell which complies with the standard for bicycles, and the brakes must be correctly adjusted in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
New unassembled bikes (boxed bikes) must be capable of being assembled to form a bicycle which complies with the British Standard.
The European Standards follow below:
BS EN 14764:2005 City and Trekking Bicycles
BS EN 14764 specifies safety and performance requirements for the design, assembly and testing of bicycles and sub-assemblies intended for use on public roads, and lays down guidelines for instructions on the use and care of such bicycles.
The standard has been developed in response to demand throughout Europe, and the aim has been to ensure that bicycles manufactured in compliance with it will be as safe as is practically possible. The tests have been designed to ensure the strength and durability of individual parts as well as of the bicycle as a whole, demanding high quality throughout and consideration of safety aspects from the design stage onwards.
It applies to bicycles that have a maximum saddle height of 635mm or more and that are intended for use on public roads. It does not apply to mountain bicycles and racing bicycles, tradesmens delivery bicycles, recumbent bicycles, tandems and bicycles designed and equipped for use in sanctioned competitive events.
No requirements on lighting equipment, reflectors and warning devices are specified in this European Standard, due to the existence of several different national regulations applicable in the European Countries.
BS EN 14766:2005 Mountain Bicycles
The standard has been developed in response to demand throughout Europe, and the aim has been to ensure that bicycles manufactured in compliance with it will be as safe as is practically possible. The tests have been designed to ensure the strength and durability of individual parts as well as of the bicycle as a whole, demanding high quality throughout and consideration of safety aspects from the design stage onwards.
The scope has been limited to safety considerations, and has specifically avoided standardisation of components. If the bicycle is used on public roads national regulations apply.
BS EN 14766:2005 specifies safety and performance requirements for the design, assembly, and testing of bicycles and sub-assemblies intended for off-road, rough-terrain use, and lays down guide lines for instructions on the use and care of such bicycles. It applies to bicycles on which the saddle can be adjusted to provide a maximum saddle height of 635mm or more.
It does not apply to racing bicycles and specialised types of bicycle such as tandems or bicycles designed and equipped for use in severe applications such as sanctioned competition events, stunting, or aerobatic manoeuvres.
No requirements on lighting equipment, reflectors and warning devices are specified in this European Standard, due to the existence of several different national regulations applicable in the European Countries.
BS EN 14781:2005 Racing Bicycles
This European standard specifies safety and performance requirements for the design, assembly and testing of racing bicycles and sub-assemblies, and lays down guidelines for manufacturers instructions on the use and care of such bicycles.
BS EN 14781:2005 applies to racing bicycles intended for high speed amateur use on public roads, and on which the saddle can be adjusted to provide a maximum saddle height of 635mm or more.
This European standard does not apply to mountain bicycles and to specialised types of racing bicycle such as tandems or bicycles designed and equipped for use in sanctioned competitive events.
This guide is not intended as the full regulations. For further information please contact either your Trading Standards department or the British Standards Institute.